Brave on Laura’s page
Laura Stanfill is a novelist, editor, blogger, and founder of Forest Avenue Press. She's also the force behind Brave on the Page, an anthology featuring 42 Oregon authors sharing their thoughts on craft and creativity.
A couple weeks ago, Laura pulled off an amazing event at Powell's City of Books in Portland, drawing 150 people on a Monday night to hear nine Brave on the Page contributers. The evening was a blast, featuring readings and a panel discussion. I was proud to be part of it, (despite the fact that there was a lot of talk on the panel about me not knowing how women pee when they're in the shower, posture-wise. I promise to get that right in my next book.)
Laura has a recap of the evening here that I won't repeat, but you should check it out along with the rest of her site. And writer and designer Gigi Little, who read at the event, summed it up this way:
"I think Laura Stanfill has something really special going with Forest Avenue Press, and the support she's gotten says loads about not only Powell's and the writing community in Portland but also - and most of all - Laura's energy, ingenuity, and smarts."
I just want to second that -- especially the part about energy, ingenuity, and smarts. Thanks, Laura, for having the vision to imagine Brave on the Page in the first place. And for all the hard work and creativity involved in making it real.
The next Brave on the Page event is at The Artist Edge Salon in Sandy, Oregon on January 27, with the terrific lineup of Laura, Stevan Allred, Martha Ragland and Liz Prato. If you're in Oregon, don't miss it.